Did you know 89% of people say they check their phones within the first 10 minutes of waking up?
Here is why this stat blew my mind…
The attitude you engage in the first day of the week says EVERYTHING about how you engage with life. But let me explain more…

You roll over to snooze your alarm, feeling a heavy weight on your chest as you mentally rehearse the week ahead.
As you lay in bed, you pick up your phone and check your social platforms, absorbing 1000’s of other people’s energies into your brain space at the time where it’s most impressionable.
Without realising it, you’ve unconsciously compared everyone else’s exciting, adventure-filled weekend with your two days spent on the couch bingeing Netflix..
You switch into autopilot from the moment your feet hit the floor.
You turn on the news while making a cup of coffee, noticing you're late to work.
You throw on an outfit that feels comfortable and familiar but not exactly an expression of your personality or style. You throw some gym clothes into your bag, hopeful but not entirely optimistic that they will be put to use after a long day of work.
You rush getting ready, eating breakfast in the car on the way to a job you've checked out of months ago.
Frustrated and annoyed that the world, people trigger you and your day seems to continue to spiral.
"Same shit, different day".
You understand that the first thing you do in the morning represents the identity you are most strongly aligned with. As a conscious person, you understand that mastering your mindset and alignment is the key to living an inspired and fulfilling life.
You wake up a few minutes before your alarm, feeling refreshed, and energised with a sense of excitement for the day ahead.
You already have your activewear ready to go, that you set for the night before.
You are clear on your daily intentions and how you will show up in the world. You express appreciation for the new day.
After 10 minutes of zen-time, you make a nourishing breakfast which you eat slowly and peacefully outside, grounding in the sunshine, fully present with every bite.
Your phone? Still on flight mode. This is YOUR time and your opportunity to set the tone for your day. Everyone and everything else can wait.
You pop on your favourite morning playlist as you shower and throw on an outfit that matches the energy you’re bringing into the day.
Centred in the knowledge that life is happening on YOUR terms, you have the resources to overcome any blocks and resistance and you have the power to shape your reality as the creator of your own story.
Here is the thing...
You can be a Karen or a Karm-en and at any stage in your life.
You may even have a belief "I am just not a morning person". Whatever you choose to believe and call your reality, know that by taking responsibility and complete ownership, you can transform your life, resulting in profound benefits to your health, wellness and longevity.
The choice is yours.
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A brand new addition to Indi Active is 'customisable coaching packages'.
If you would like to create your very own program that suits your lifestyle, budget and goals, then this is for you!